Cytologic status changes of the conjunctiva and tears qualitative composition in patients with «dry eye» syndrome after instillation of modern topical fluoroquinolones


  • N. G. Zavgorodnyaya
  • A. A. Brizhan



Fluoroquinolones, Conjunctiva, Crystallography


Aim. Use of the antibiotics for eye was approved as a rational method for reducing the risk of postoperative endophthalmitis. The aim of our investigation was to study the influence of the modern topical fluoroquinolones on the qualitative composition of tears and cytological status of the conjunctiva in patients with cataract and «dry eye» syndrome.

Methods and results. 102 patients (109 eyes) aged 36–87 years was examined. Qualitative composition of tear fluid was studied with method of native tears crystallography and conjunctiva cytological study using impression cytoscopy method.

In 72.3% of cases the tears crystallography showed signs of pathology. Cytological examination of conjunctiva showed dystrophy in 86,8% of cases. In 11% of the patients typical cross-shaped crystals were detected.

Conclusion. Correlation dependence analysis showed statistically significant positive relationship (Spearman’s correlation r=0.53) between the presence of cross-shaped crystals in crystallography and severe dystrophy of conjunctiva epithelium. Instillation of modern topical fluoroquinolones worsen the cytological status of conjunctiva epithelium.


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How to Cite

Zavgorodnyaya NG, Brizhan AA. Cytologic status changes of the conjunctiva and tears qualitative composition in patients with «dry eye» syndrome after instillation of modern topical fluoroquinolones. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jul.4 [cited 2025Feb.11];16(3). Available from:



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