Meaning of life and value orientation in patients with manifestation of schizophrenia


  • O. I. Osokina
  • V. A. Abramov
  • G. G. Putyatin
  • S. G. Pyrkov
  • E. M. Vygovskaya
  • E. M. Denisov
  • O. N. Golodenko



Depression, Value orientation, Schizophrenia, Rehabilitation


Aim. The emotional distress, personal suffering and social stigma that occur in patients with schizophrenia, often lead to loss of meaning and significant purpose in their life. This may be due to the restructuring of spiritual value orientations. In order to analyze the effectiveness of the existential-personal rehabilitation of 237 patients with manifestation of schizophrenia there were studied indicators of vital meanings and values using psychodiagnostic tool «Meaning-of-life orientations» (D.A. Leontyev, 2000).

Methods and results. There was founded that patients with schizophrenia who have undergone rehabilitation, showed a significant increase (p<0,05) in meaningfulness of life level over the next two years after the manifestation of the disease, that was higher (p<0,05) than in patients treated with only pharmacotherapy.

Conclusion. This suggests that the existential-personal rehabilitation is effective for the formation of goals, values and meanings, which improves the quality of patient's life and contributes to the prevention of suicidal behavior.


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How to Cite

Osokina OI, Abramov VA, Putyatin GG, Pyrkov SG, Vygovskaya EM, Denisov EM, Golodenko ON. Meaning of life and value orientation in patients with manifestation of schizophrenia. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jul.4 [cited 2025Feb.11];16(3). Available from:



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