Use of pectin in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in the complex treatment of the periodontal disease (report 1)


  • S. V. Kosenko
  • I. O. Balaban
  • O. B. Hayoshko
  • O. M. Ilnytska
  • N. M. Yatsynovych
  • S. O. Ivanov
  • N. I. Muzichenko



Rehabilitation, Periodontal Diseases, Treatment, Diabetes Melitus, Alternative Therapies


Aim. This study submits technology of treatment the chronic generalized periodontitis of II–III degree in patients with diabetes mellitus type II.

Methods and results. The results demonstrate that endogenous and exogenous application of pectin preparation «Pektodent» (Ukraine) as a hygienic and preventive medication «Pektodent» (dentifrice), the shape-forming recipe for retention of «Pektodent» (for bandages) and a recipe for oral use can reduce the aggressiveness periodontitis at diabetes in the period of rehabilitation.

Conclusion. Evidence-based approach allows positively resolve problematic situation. Result of rehabilitation period depends on patient discipline.


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How to Cite

Kosenko SV, Balaban IO, Hayoshko OB, Ilnytska OM, Yatsynovych NM, Ivanov SO, Muzichenko NI. Use of pectin in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in the complex treatment of the periodontal disease (report 1). Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Jul.4 [cited 2025Feb.11];16(3). Available from:



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