Characteristics of the personal profile of active servicemen with dissomnic manifestations




dyssomnias, military, combatants, mental disorders, psychogenic disorders, clinic, personality, mental health


Aim: to study specifics of psychopathogenesis and the influence of personal characteristics on the pathopsychological content of dissomnic manifestations in active servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by examining the personal profile.

Materials and methods. In total, 64 active servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with inorganic sleep disorders were included in a prospective clinical study on the basis of Military Hospital of Military Unit 3309 (Zaporizhzhia) and served as the study group; the comparison group included 40 patients who were treated at the Department of Borderline Conditions of “Regional Clinical Institution for the Provision of Psychiatric Care” of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council and had sleep disorders within neurotic mental disorders. To achieve the aim of the study, anamnestic, clinical-psychopathological, psychodiagnostic, clinical-psychophenomenological and clinical-statistical methods were used. As a psychodiagnostic tool, the Methodology for studying personality accentuations of K. Leonhard and G. Shmishek was chosen.

Results. The most common types of accentuation in active servicemen with dyssomnic manifestations were sticking (18.75 % of the contingent), dysthymic (17.19 %) and hyperthymic (9.38 %). The most frequent combined clinical types of accentuations were “dysthymic-sticking” (9.38 %), “anxious-dysthymic” (4.69 %) and “hyperthymic-demonstrative” (3.13 %).

Conclusions. As a result of the study, the characteristics of the personal profile and their influence on the pathopsychological content of dissomnic manifestations in active servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been determined. The data obtained on the relationship between the personal profile characteristics and clinical types of dyssomnia would provide an opportunity to optimize measures for the detection and psychotherapeutic correction of dissomnic manifestations in active servicemen of the Armed Forces.

Author Biography

G. V. Guk, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine

MD, PhD-student of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, General and Medical Psychology, Narcology and Sexology


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How to Cite

Guk GV. Characteristics of the personal profile of active servicemen with dissomnic manifestations. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2023Mar.28 [cited 2025Mar.12];25(2):153-7. Available from: