The influence of occupational environment on formation of psycho-emotional stress among remote pilots of unmanned aircraft systems




remote pilots, psycho-emotional stress, stress-forming factors, functional state, unmanned aircraft system


The aim of this study was to identify informative indicators and establish the level of perception of their impact on the formation of excessive psycho-emotional stress among remote pilots of unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) (class 1 “Light”) during their occupational activities.

Materials and methods. 41 servicemen aged 20–35 years old, who had experience in the management of UASs (class I “Light”) and were involved in the performance of a wide range of functional duties as operators of the moving objects, were studied based on the specially developed questionnaire (100-point scale) that reflected questions about the perception of the stress factor impact during their occupational activities. Statistical analysis of data was performed by descriptive and nonparametric statistics, as well as cluster, stepwise discriminant and factor analysis using the software package STATISTICA 13.3.

Results. Regarding the perceptions of “stress” factor influence, the UASs pilots (operators of moving objects) were divided into two groups: group 1 could be conventionally called “hypersusceptible”, and representatives of group 2 – “hyposusceptible”. At the same time, it was found that the resulting clustering of the data into two groups provided 99.9 % opportunity for further assignment of new operators to the designated groups using the obtained supporting discriminant model (solving rules). The hidden factors have been revealed that formed the functional state of the “hypersusceptible” UASs operators, which collectively explained 54.9 % of the data variance, and “hyposusceptible” ones, which collectively explained 62.1 % of the original data variance.

Conclusions. Two groups of operators, “hypersusceptible” and “hyposusceptible” to the influence of stress factors have been distinguished. The hidden factors that formed the functional state of the “hypersusceptible” UAS operators have been highlighted (the first factor “formation of fear of death” (F1↑) had 33.2 % rate and the second hidden factor “susceptibility to sensory stimuli” (F2↑), covered 21.7 % of the analyzed data variance). Two hidden factors that formed the functional state of the “hyposusceptible” UAS operators have been identified (the first factor “concentration of attention to performance of the functional duties” (F1↓) and the second factor “increased responsibility for occupational activity results” (F2↓). It has been established that there were radically different mechanisms of their functional state regulation, and “hyposusceptible” operators were more adapted to the performance of their functional duties due to the mechanisms of harmonizing their functional state and reducing experiences from the influence of harmful stress-forming factors.

Author Biographies

A. V. Shvets, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kyiv

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Deputy Chief for Science

V. V. Kalnysh, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor of the Department of Aviation, Maritime Medicine and Psychophysiology

O. V. Maltsev, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kyiv

MD, PhD, Head of the Research Department of Special Medicine and Psychophysiology of the Research Institute of Military Medicine


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How to Cite

Shvets AV, Kalnysh VV, Maltsev OV. The influence of occupational environment on formation of psycho-emotional stress among remote pilots of unmanned aircraft systems. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2023Mar.6 [cited 2025Mar.9];25(1):23-9. Available from: