Personality profile characteristics of patients with somatoform and anxiety-phobic disorders with phenomena of reduced criticality




mental disorders, neurotic disorders, somatoform disorder, anxiety-phobic disorder, clinic, personality, criticality


The aim: to study the personality characteristics and their relationship with reduced criticality manifestations by examining the personality profile of patients with somatoform and anxiety-phobic disorders.

Materials and methods. A prospective clinical study involved 102 patients: 54 patients with somatoform disorder and 48 patients with anxiety-phobic disorder. Research methods: clinical-psychopathological, clinical-anamnestic, clinical-catamnestic, clinical-psychophenomenological and medical statistical analysis.

Results. As the study result, the peculiarities of the personal characteristics of patients with somatoform and anxiety-phobic disorders and their connection with reduced criticality manifestations have been established. The most common clinical types of accentuations in patients with somatoform disorder have been revealed (“sticking-demonstrative” (16.67 % of the group), “sticking-exalted” (11.11 %), “anxious-demonstrative” (9.26 %) and “demonstrative” (9.26 %) as well as a characteristic pronounced (p < 0.05) reduction in criticality (mainly due to the phenomenon of alexithymia). The prevailing types of accentuation among the contingent with anxiety-phobic disorder (“anxious” (14.58 %) and “anxious-pedantic” (12.50 %)) had a connection (p < 0.01) with a mild degree of reduced criticality.

Conclusions. Based on the differences found in the personality characteristics of patients with somatoform and anxiety-phobic disorders, variations in the degree of severity and pathogenetic mechanisms of reduced criticality have been revealed. The obtained results offer the potential to develop a personalized system for correction of reduced criticality, the use of which would improve the treatment results in patients with somatoform and anxiety-phobic disorders.


Author Biographies

M. Ye. Khomitskyi, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Ukraine

MD, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, General and Medical Psychology

M. Yu. Kondratenko, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Ukraine

MD, PhD-student of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, General and Medical Psychology, Narcology and Sexology


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How to Cite

Khomitskyi MY, Kondratenko MY. Personality profile characteristics of patients with somatoform and anxiety-phobic disorders with phenomena of reduced criticality. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2023May31 [cited 2025Jan.19];25(3):215-9. Available from: