Neuroprotection neurotrophic cerebroprotector Сerebroсurin in terms of modeling acute stroke




Stroke, Neuroprotection, Neurotropeptides, Сerebroсurin


Aim. The high frequency of cerebral blood flow causes the relevance of further study pathogenic mechanisms of cerebral ischemia and the search and study of highly cerebroprotector. In order to obtain comparative evaluation of the safety and neuroprotective effect of the drug Сerebroсurin the dependence of the effect on the ways of administration.

Methods and results. Results of the study revealed the advantage of intrathecal route of administration before the intraperitoneal. The effect is manifested in increased survival of animals, decrease the manifestations of mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress inhibition, activation of the antioxidant system in rat brain.

Conclusion. The obtained results show the effectiveness of the intrathecal route of administration Сerebroсurin in the context of an acute cerebrovascular accident.


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How to Cite

Morguntsova SA. Neuroprotection neurotrophic cerebroprotector Сerebroсurin in terms of modeling acute stroke. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Oct.20 [cited 2025Mar.9];16(5). Available from:



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