Comparative characteristics of morphometric, biometric and biomechanical parameters of myopic eyes in children with different types of progressive myopia


  • T. E. Tsybulskaya



progressive myopia, children, ocular refraction, eye axial length, optical coherence tomography


Aim. With the progression of myopic process in children the changes of morphometric, biometric and biomechanical parameters of eyeball are observed. In order to study these parameters in the axial and refractive myopia 32 patients (64 eyes) with axial and 26 patients (46 eyes) with refractive myopia have been examined.

Methods and results. It has been established that in patients with axial and refractive progressive myopia in 56.4% of cases there is a decrease of peripapillary zone thickness of nerve fiber and decrease of ganglion cells layer thickness, an increase of corneal-compensated intraocular pressure by 1.3 times, and also the reduce of corneal hysteresis by 1.2 times.

Conclusion. These changes do not depend on the degree of refraction and are associated with an increase in axial length of the eye and decrease in the biomechanical properties of the root-scleral capsule regardless the type of myopia.


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How to Cite

Tsybulskaya TE. Comparative characteristics of morphometric, biometric and biomechanical parameters of myopic eyes in children with different types of progressive myopia. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Oct.20 [cited 2025Feb.7];16(5). Available from:



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