Pathomorphological pecularities of the structure of the fetus ovaries from the mothers with placental dysfunction


  • L. S. Kupriyanova



Fetus, Ovary, Placental Insufficiency, Fetal Growth Retardation


Aim. Placental dysfunction not only leads to fetus adaptive responses, but also causes pathological changes in fetal tissues and organs. In order to identify the pathological features of the structure ovaries of the 22 dead fetuses in utero were studied.

Methods and results. All fetuses were taken from mothers whose pregnancies were accompanied with placental dysfunction. Anthropometric, organometric, histological, histochemical, morphometric and statistical methods were used.

Conclusion. It was found that the fetuses ovaries structure corresponds to hypoplastic type and indicates a low functional activity of the fetal gonads.


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How to Cite

Kupriyanova LS. Pathomorphological pecularities of the structure of the fetus ovaries from the mothers with placental dysfunction. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Oct.20 [cited 2025Jan.13];16(5). Available from:



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