Analysis of extragenital factors in the development of recurrence of genital prolapse


  • R. M. Banakhevych
  • K. B. Akimova
  • K. A. Parienko
  • O. A. Vdovichenko



Uterine Prolapse, , Recurrence, Connective Tissue


Аim. To analyze the extragenital factors in the development of recurrence of genital prolapsed.

Methods and results. 1795 women with recurrent genital prolapse (RGP) were examined. Retrospectively was analyzed that the development of dystrophic disturbances of the fascial-ligamentary apparats of genitals is polietiologic character: prolonged or excessive increase intraabdominal pressure and dystrophic changes in fascial-ligamentary apparats of genitals, what is responsible for their anatomical position. Incidence and nature of concomitant extragenital pathology in patients with recurrent genital prolapse were estimated in the article. The average rate of extragenital pathology was 3.2±0.1 diseases for one patient.

Conclusion. Retrospective analysis showed that one of the key positions in the pathogenesis of the development of recurrence of genital prolapse is connective tissue dysplasia. Extragenital forms of connective tissue dysplasia were observed in the form of a somatic pathology of cardio-vascular (r=0.25), broncho-pulmonary system (r=0.34) and gastrointestinal tract (r=0.35), varicose veins of the lower extremities (r=0.32), toe valgus deformity I (r=0.33), abdominal wall hernia (r=0.21), increased mobility of joints, loss of skin turgor.  The incidence of diseases of these systems was 84,5%.


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How to Cite

Banakhevych RM, Akimova KB, Parienko KA, Vdovichenko OA. Analysis of extragenital factors in the development of recurrence of genital prolapse. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Oct.20 [cited 2025Mar.9];16(5). Available from:



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