The efficacy of biologically active peptides derived from prostate tissue of bulls, in the treatment of excretory-toxic infertility, complication of chronic abacterial prostatitis


  • O. A. Nikiforov



Infertility, Prostatitis, Therapy


Aim. The paper discusses aspects of the etiopathogenesis of chronic abacterial prostatitis, results of the treatment of 126 patients with this pathology.

Methods and results. The patients were divided into II group. I group received usual therapy, group II – standard drugs plus group of biologically active peptides derived from prostate tissue of bulls that have reached sexual maturity. The results analysis shows that use of biologically active peptides derived from prostate tissue of bulls, the age of sexual maturity, allows to achieve the best results of treatment of patients with excretory-toxic infertility, that is complication of chronic abacterial prostatitis compared with the control group.

Conclusion. This new drug use helps to achieve a stable clinical effect and enhance the performance of the ejaculate.


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How to Cite

Nikiforov OA. The efficacy of biologically active peptides derived from prostate tissue of bulls, in the treatment of excretory-toxic infertility, complication of chronic abacterial prostatitis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Oct.20 [cited 2025Mar.9];16(5). Available from:



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