Modern methods of diagnostics in the reproduction


  • N. V. Avramenko



Reproductive Health, Clinical Trial, Ultrasonography, Instrumentation, Radiologic Technology, Histological Techniques, Genetic Techniques


An important component of modern medicine is the problem of infertility. Saving and restoring reproductive health – major medical task with state values. Therefore, modern diagnosis and subsequent treatment of infertility should be regarded as a reserve of the birth of desired children and increase the reproductive potential of the population.

Aim. Review of the modern rational and evidence based methods for the examination of the infertile couples was done.

Methods and results. Carefully collected medical history, physical examination, clinical, ultrasound, instrumental, radiological, histopathological, genetic research methods should be used to clarify the causes of infertility.

Conclusion. It should be noted that infertility is a condition that characterizes exactly a couple, not an individual organism. Therefore, the diagnostic algorithms should consider both partners.


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How to Cite

Avramenko NV. Modern methods of diagnostics in the reproduction. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Oct.20 [cited 2025Mar.9];16(5). Available from: