Study of vinpocetine intranasal dosage form consistence properties




Vinpocetine, Intranasal Drug Administration, Rheology, «Mechanical Stability»


Aim. Study of structural-mechanical nasal semisolid dosage forms on emulsion bases providing with optimal release active substance was done.

Methods and results. Established vinpocetine nasal creams rheologic properties showed them as thixotropic systems. Restoration after stress removal is cuased by their structure coagulation bonds. Their consistent properties are completely situated within rheologic optimum of consistence limits.

Conclusion. Analysis of rheograms of flow allowed to reveal compositions of vinpocetine nasal emulsion ointments with optimal consistent properties and selected for the next preclinical investigations.


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How to Cite

Nagornaya NA, Gladyshev VV, Burlaka BS. Study of vinpocetine intranasal dosage form consistence properties. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Oct.20 [cited 2025Jan.29];16(5). Available from:



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