Modern possibilities of minimally invasive biliary drainage techniques for patients with malignant jaundice




obstructive jaundice, bile ducts, drainage, laparoscopes, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiostomy, endobiliary stenting


Malignant biliary obstruction is a complex condition requiring a multimodal approach for both diagnosis and treatment. Most patients diagnosed with this disease are not candidates for radical surgery, as they come to us at advanced stages of the disease. Therefore, they need quality palliative care.

Aim. Based on the data from scientific articles and literature, to highlight the possibilities of minimally invasive biliary drainage techniques in patients with malignant jaundice.

The article analyzes the available sources of scientific literature and articles from the electronic resources PubMed, Google Scholar, UpToDate from 2019 to 2024. Minimally invasive methods of biliary drainage have demonstrated significant advantages over open surgeries, including a reduced risk of surgical complications, shorter rehabilitation period, and the ability to perform the procedure under local anesthesia. However, despite technological progress and accumulated clinical experience, a number of unresolved issues remain, in particular, related to choosing the optimal drainage method for a particular patient, and assessing the effectiveness and safety of a specific technique.

Conclusions. The most controversial issue is the choice between endoscopic and percutaneous drainage methods. Some studies have shown that endoscopic drainage might be more effective in patients with tumors located in the distal bile ducts, while percutaneous drainage might be more appropriate in case of proximal obstructions. Therefore, the situation calls for additional studies to evaluate long-term results of different drainage techniques and the effectiveness of plastic, covered and uncovered metal stents in different clinical situations.

Author Biographies

E. V. Didenko, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Ukraine

MD, PhD Student of the Department of Hospital Surgery

V. O. Hubka, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Ukraine

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Head the Department of Hospital Surgery


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How to Cite

Didenko EV, Hubka VO. Modern possibilities of minimally invasive biliary drainage techniques for patients with malignant jaundice. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2024Dec.4 [cited 2025Feb.7];26(6):496-500. Available from: