The use of a vascularized fibular flap in the treatment and surgical rehabilitation of military trauma patients




fibula flap, bone defects, reconstructive surgery, military injury, rehabilitation


Aim. The purpose of the work is to demonstrate the possibilities of using a vascularized fibular flap to replace bone defects in the treatment of acute military trauma and its consequences at the rehabilitation stage.

Materials and methods. An anatomical feature description of the vascularized fibular flap with a cutaneous component. Clinical cases of the vascularized fibular flap use to reconstruct bone and soft tissue defects after military injuries. In the presented cases, vascularized fibula osteocutaneous flaps were used.

Results. Two clinical cases of reconstruction using the fibula flap are presented. The first case presents a patient with a total mandibular defect resulting from a gunshot wound. The second case presents a patient with consequences of a mine-shrapnel injury of the left forearm and an ulnar defect of about 12 cm in length and the resultant inability to perform rotational movements. Vascularized fibula osteocutaneous flaps were used for reconstruction in both cases being transferred to the recipient site, and microvascular anastomoses were performed for flap reperfusion.

Conclusions. Adding a free fibula flap to the reconstructive surgeon’s arsenal enables one-stage reconstructions of large wounds with bone defects after injuries or oncological resections without significant musculoskeletal functional loss to donor limbs.

Author Biographies

P. O. Badiul, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor of the Department of General Medicine with a Course of Physical Therapy

S. V. Sliesarenko, MNE “City Clinical Hospital No. 16” of the Dnipro City Council, Ukraine

MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Head of Burns and Plastic Surgery Center

O. I. Rudenko, MNE “City Clinical Hospital No. 16” of the Dnipro City Council, Ukraine

MD, Physician, Burns and Plastic Surgery Center


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How to Cite

Badiul PO, Sliesarenko SV, Rudenko OI. The use of a vascularized fibular flap in the treatment and surgical rehabilitation of military trauma patients. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2024Dec.4 [cited 2025Feb.7];26(6):512-7. Available from: