The state of the cardiovascular system in young patients with mitral valve prolapse


  • M. A. Kuznetsova



Mitral Valve Prolapse, Cardiovascular System, Young Age, Echocardiography


Aim. Due to the signifi cant increase of complications developing in young patients with mitral valve prolapse detection of this disease is important.In order to examine the state of the cardiovascular system in young patients 135 patients with mitral valve prolapse at the age of 16–25 years were examined.
Methods and results. During the survey medical history was taken, the information from the medical records of  оutpatients and extracts from the medical histories of patients were studied, clinical examination, electrocardiography (ECG) and echocardiography (EchoCG) were conducted with subsequent analysis of the obtained data.
Conclusion. It was established that signifi cant differences were obtained in the analysis of auscultative symptoms in groups with MVP of grade 1 and grade 2. ECG studies in young patients showed that functional impairment was signifi cantly more frequently observed in the group with grade 2 MVP (56.4%), less frequently – in the group with grade 1 MVP (50.0%) and only in 30.0% of cases in the control group (p <0.01).


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How to Cite

Kuznetsova MA. The state of the cardiovascular system in young patients with mitral valve prolapse. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2014Dec.8 [cited 2025Feb.4];16(6). Available from:



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