Structural and functional characteristics of myocard in patients with different forms of atrial fibrillation


  • L. I. Vasilyeva
  • S. O. Pyvovarova
  • L. V. Sapozhnychenko
  • O. S. Kalashnykova
  • V. G. Dzyak



Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Atria, Arrythmia


Aim. To study structural and functional characteristics of myocard in patients with different forms of atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is the most prevalent arrhythmia in clinical practice. Atrial fibrillation is a progressive disease: the duration of paroxysms increases over time and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation transforms to persistent, the last one becomes refractory to pharmacological and electrical cardioversion in time and transforms to permanent. So assessment of myocardial remodeling in patients with persistent and permanent atrial fibrillation is very actual.

Methods and results. According to the aim of the study 133 patients with persistent atrial fibrillation and 100 patients with permanent atrial fibrillation were included into the study. Echocardiographic parameters of left and right atria function were studied.

Conclusion. It was found that patients with persistent and permanent atrial fibrillation are characterized with both left and right atrias remodeling. Remodeling of the atrias is less pronounced in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation in comparison with persistent atrial fibrillation patients and arrhythmia recurrence.  


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How to Cite

Vasilyeva LI, Pyvovarova SO, Sapozhnychenko LV, Kalashnykova OS, Dzyak VG. Structural and functional characteristics of myocard in patients with different forms of atrial fibrillation. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Feb.9 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(1). Available from:



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