Сatamnestic analysis of the effectiveness of complex rehabilitation of patients with vertebrogenic dorsalgia, radiculopathy


  • Yu. V. Bobrik




dorsalgia, catamnestic analysis, rehabilitation


Aim. Existing methods of rehabilitation of patients with vertebrogenic dorsalgia characterized by short-term effect of healing and do not exclude frequent relapses and complications of treatment. Effectiveness of different methods of rehabilitation were compared.

Methods and results. 63 patients were examined using scoliosometry, determination of the static and dynamic endurance of the abdominal muscles, muscle dynamometry of the extensor muscles of the back, and indexes of algotonus and vertebral syndrome. It was revealed that the lower index values of the algotonus and vertebral syndrome, lumbar scoliosis were more in patient that andergone proposed scheme of the rehabilitation. Postural dynamometry and static muscle endurance- extensor back, static and dynamic endurance of the abdominal muscles differed too in that group.

Conclusion. This testifies the higher efficacy of the author's method of rehabilitation of dorsalgia.


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How to Cite

Bobrik YV. Сatamnestic analysis of the effectiveness of complex rehabilitation of patients with vertebrogenic dorsalgia, radiculopathy. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Feb.9 [cited 2025Mar.7];17(1). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/39214



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