Breast feeding and allergy


  • О. O. Kulia



Newborn Infant, Allergens, Breast Feeding, Hypersensitivity


Aim. Prevalence of allergy in children is increasing. Influence of feeding on the risk of development of allergy in infants was studied in 140 infants.

Methods and results. Along with general clinical evaluation methods immunological parameters assessment was used. It was showed that great care must be given to the pregnant woman treatment, especially with antibiotics, vitamins.

Conclusion. As secondary preventive measures suggest: early (in the first 30 minutes) application of the newborn babies on the breast, exclusively breastfeeding, careful and minimal medicines prescription, rational feeding.


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How to Cite

Kulia ОO. Breast feeding and allergy. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Feb.9 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(1). Available from:



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