Efferent detoxification methods and evaluation of the intensive therapy efficacy in children with bacterial toxemia


  • M. Yu. Kurochkin
  • A. H. Davydova
  • Yu. V. Horodkova




Рlasmapheresis, Pediatric Intensive Care Units, Bacterial Infections, Hemodynamics, Toxemia


The main problem of severe bacterial infections intensive therapy in children is toxemia, disorder of hemodynamic and oxygen transport.

Aim. The aim of the work was to study the features of hemodynamics, oxygen transport, the level of toxemia during bacterial intoxication treatment in children, including discrete plasmapheresis.

Methods and results. The study included 28 children with severe bacterial infections. We found that the inclusion of efferent methods of intensive care, such as a discrete plasmapheresis, helped to reduce circulation hyperdynamia and restore a balanced mode of delivery and oxygen consumption within 24 hours after the plasmapheresis session.

Conclusion. Reduction of toxemia was noted after plasmapresis, which was confirmed by a significant decreasing in the toxicity markers level – middle molecules in the blood and leukocyte index of intoxication. 


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How to Cite

Kurochkin MY, Davydova AH, Horodkova YV. Efferent detoxification methods and evaluation of the intensive therapy efficacy in children with bacterial toxemia. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Feb.9 [cited 2025Mar.7];17(1). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/39723



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