Reducing the impact of professional risks on health of workers of modernized metallurgical concern


  • A. I. Sevalnev
  • L. P. Sharavara
  • I. A. Cherniak



Risk Factors, Occupational Health, Risk Management


Modernization of enterprises aiming at improving the working conditions and reducing the influence of occupational risks to workers is important element of prophylaxes of occupational diseases.

Aim. To study consequences of modernization of the factory of agglomerate on the working conditions of agglomerate workers comprehensive evaluation of working conditions at a new sinter machine № 1 and at a new workplace of the agglomerate worker has been carried out using laboratory and instrumental methods.

Methods and results. It has been established that the working conditions at a new workplace of the employee of agglomerate improved significantly and has got 2nd class of the working conditions, that is acceptable.

Conclusion. It gives the evidence of modernization effectiveness and reduction of occupational risks at a new workplace.


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How to Cite

Sevalnev AI, Sharavara LP, Cherniak IA. Reducing the impact of professional risks on health of workers of modernized metallurgical concern. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Feb.9 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(1). Available from:



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