Comparative assessment of the effectiveness of modern neuroprotectors in conditions of experimental chronic cerebral ischemia


  • A. V. Demchenko
  • І. F. Belenichev



Brain Ischemia, Cytidine-5'-diphosphate-choline, Cortexin, Tiocetam


Modern pharmacological influence on the pathological changes in cerebral ischemia is actual task of the modern neurology.

Aim. To make a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of modern neuroprotectors in conditions of experimental chronic cerebral ischemia.

Methods and results. Experimental study of the neuroprotective effects of the citicoline, cortexin and tiocetam on the cognitive functions on the model of the chronic cerebral ischemia was conducted on 75 white rats. Biochemical, immunoassay, pharmacological, statistical methods were used.

Conclusion. Obtained results showed citicoline, cortexin and tiocetam ability to positively influence on the molecular-biochemical changes in the brain cortex with ischemia. This resulted in the glutathione-dependent enzymes activity increase, recover of the thiol-disulfide system balance, nitrotyrosine concentration decrease, improvement of the cognitive function in the experimental animals.


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How to Cite

Demchenko AV, Belenichev ІF. Comparative assessment of the effectiveness of modern neuroprotectors in conditions of experimental chronic cerebral ischemia. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Apr.27 [cited 2025Feb.13];17(2). Available from:



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