The complex treatment of acute pancreatitis using miniinvasive surgical treatment


  • G. I. Ohrimenko
  • N. G. Golovko
  • V. A. Grushka
  • T. S. Gavrilenko
  • P. G. Kocherov



Pancreatic Necrosis, Computed Tomography, Laparoscopic Drainage


Nowadays methods used in acute pancreatitis diagnostic do not allow to find the most optimal indications, terms of surgical drainage approaches in surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis.

Aim.  In order to develop optimal diagnostic and treatment algorithm 316 patients took part in the study.

Methods and results. Surgery outcomes were assessed by the next methods: ultrasound, computed tomography. We determined that destructive changes in pancreas in group of sterile pancreatic necrosis were limited. In cases of infected pancreatic necrosis the damage was spread and the disease course was septic. That’s why the operative treatment in cases of sterile pancreatitis has to be used with strict indications such as fermentative peritonitis, acute liquid formations, acute pseudocysts.

Conclusion. In such cases miniinvasive surgery is mainly used while in the cases of infected pancreatic necrosis we ought to choose open surgery treatment.


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How to Cite

Ohrimenko GI, Golovko NG, Grushka VA, Gavrilenko TS, Kocherov PG. The complex treatment of acute pancreatitis using miniinvasive surgical treatment. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Jun.15 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(3). Available from:



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