Application of venotonics for correction of sinusoidal dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis


  • A. S. Tugushev
  • V. V. Vakulenko
  • D. I. Mikhantyev
  • V. V. Neshta
  • P. I. Potapenko



Cirrhosis, Portal Hypertension, Endothelium, Dysfunction, Vasodilatator Agents


Elaboration of the uniform tactical installations concerning questions of diagnostics, rational therapy of patients with sinusoidal dysfunction at cirrhosis and its complications is actual.

Aim. For the purpose of assessment of a role of sinusoidal dysfunction at complications of cirrhosis results of 35 patients’ treatment with sinusoidal dysfunction correction were studied.

Methods and results. As basis venotonics were used in therapy. The clinical condition of patients, data of ultrasonic dopplerography characterizing the blood flow in vv. porte and lienalis were estimated. It was established that application of venotonics improves portal perfusion and portal vein diameter decrease and linear speed of a blood flow increase.

Conclusion. It testifies to the importance of correction of sinusoidal dysfunction and prevention of complications development in patients with cirrhosis.


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How to Cite

Tugushev AS, Vakulenko VV, Mikhantyev DI, Neshta VV, Potapenko PI. Application of venotonics for correction of sinusoidal dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Jun.15 [cited 2025Mar.7];17(3). Available from:



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