Blood supply of the telencephalon radiate crown of the rat in norm and under the long-term opioid use


  • A. V. Zinko



Telencephalon, Blood Vessels, Rats, Nalbuphine


Aim. The objective of this study was to establish peculiarities of the channels of blood supply of the telencephalon radiate crown of the rat in norm  and in the dynamics in 6 weeks long injection of nalbuphine.

Methods and results. The research work was carried out on 24 mature white male rats aged 3.0 – 4.5 months weighing 160-270 g. The method applied in the study was injection of bloodstream along with morphometric and statistical methods. Morphological and morphometric analysis of angioarchitecture of telencephalon radiate crown allowed to evaluate the degree of its vascularization in case of a long-term effect of nalbuphine.

Conclusion. Results showed that there is a clearly observed connection between the depth of structural transformations of the parts of hemomicrocirculatory bloodstream of the rat’s radiate crown under the influence of opioid  and the morphometric indices. The obtained results can serve as the morphologic basis for further scientific research in neurology.


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How to Cite

Zinko AV. Blood supply of the telencephalon radiate crown of the rat in norm and under the long-term opioid use. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Jun.15 [cited 2024Oct.25];17(3). Available from:



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