Morphological features of the structure of the cerebellar cortex of rats in the norm and under prolonged exposure to the opioid


  • A. M. Bekesevych



Cerebellar Cortex, Opioid, Experimentation Animal, Nalbuphine, Narcotics


In recent decades the issue of drug addiction has appeared to be not only a social, but medical problem.

Aim. To establish peculiarities of the microstructure of the rat’s cerebellar cortex in the norm and to investigate changes in the structural organization of cerebellar cortex determined by injection of the opioid, particularly nalbuphine, in the experiment.

Methods and results. These investigations were carried out on 26 mature white male rats aged 3.0–4.5 months and body weight 160–270 g. The research material was presented by histological specimens of the rats’ cerebellar cortex. Sections of the cerebellar cortex for histological examination were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The first signs of disorders in the structure of the rat’s cerebellar cortex have been detected already after 2 weeks of the experimental injection of nalbuphine. Destructive changes in cerebellar cortex cells and in the haemomicrocirculatory bloodstream increased gradually during 6 weeks of the experiment.

Conclusion. Thus, nalbuphine injection during 6 weeks of the experiment leads to disorganization of microstructure and angioarchitecture of cerebellar cortex.


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How to Cite

Bekesevych AM. Morphological features of the structure of the cerebellar cortex of rats in the norm and under prolonged exposure to the opioid. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Jun.15 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(3). Available from:



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