The evolution of the cytokine profile under the influence of immunomodulator glutamine-cystine-glycine disodium in patients with destructive multidrug-resistant lung tuberculosis


  • E. N. Raznatovskaya



Cytokines, Immunomodulator, Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis


Importance of the problem caused by the necessity of treatment efficiency improving in patients with multidrug-resistant destructive pulmonary tuberculosis (MDR).

Aim. To study the dynamics of cytokine profile indicators under the influence of immunomodulator Glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine disodium (GCGD) controlled trial was conducted.

Methods and results. The study included 60 patients with destructive MDR: 30 patients were treated with implementation of GCGD on the basis of standard chemotherapy course and 30 patients were treated with standard chemotherapy course alone. Cytokine profile indicators were studied in serum by indirect ELISA method. It was found that the usage of immunomodulator GCGD in patients with destructive MDR allows to normalize cytokine profile indicators in 46.7 % of cases.

Conclusion. This data demonstrates the advisability of its using.


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How to Cite

Raznatovskaya EN. The evolution of the cytokine profile under the influence of immunomodulator glutamine-cystine-glycine disodium in patients with destructive multidrug-resistant lung tuberculosis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Jun.15 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(3). Available from:



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