Morphometric indicators of orbit in adults


  • S. O. Dubyna
  • M. I. Yabluchanskyi



Orbit, Adult, Spiral Computed Tomography


Aim. Morphometry of orbit is one of the prerequisites planning and performance of surgical interventions after injuries of craniofacial zone.

Methods and results. For the purpose of assessment of quantitative standard of norm of orbital structures morphometric indicators of 96 persons were investigated with use of CT-visualization and statistical methods. Means of indicators and their confidential 95% intervals were described. As well as it was defined that correlation between them in the most cases was weak.

Conclusion. It allows to use the obtained data for planning of surgical accesses, reconstructive and plastic surgeries on orbital structures and testifies the lack of assosiations between development of orbital structures during the adult period.


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How to Cite

Dubyna SO, Yabluchanskyi MI. Morphometric indicators of orbit in adults. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Jun.15 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(3). Available from:



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