Seasonal, meteorological and geophysical factors influence on acute cardiovascular events


  • S. Ya. Dotsenko
  • A. V. Afanasyev
  • K. K. Malashenko
  • V. A. Yevtushenko
  • T. V. Kravchenko
  • I. I. Tokarenko
  • G. Ya. Medvedchuk
  • M. V. Shevchenko



Cardiovascular Diseases, Emergencies, Meteorological Factors


The aim of research was to explore the influence of seasonal, meteorological and geophysical factors on acute cardiovascular events in the practice of emergency.

Methods and results. 11285 cards of emergency visits were analyzed in 2014. The seasonal fluctuations in the frequency of acute cardiovascular events had acrophase in winter months and a mini-phase in summer months (amplitude oscillation was 1.45 times). A close relationship between such fluctuations and meteorologically unfavorable days (III and IV types of weather) was found. Such days number was significantly higher in winter months and less during summer months The maximum frequency of acute cardiovascular events increased more than 4-fold when meteorologically unfavorable days and negative influence of geophysical factors (magnetic storms and lunar phase) were detected.

Conclusion. Influence of seasonal, meteorological and geophysical factors on the acute cardiovascular events needs to be taken into account in the preventive and treatment schemes.


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How to Cite

Dotsenko SY, Afanasyev AV, Malashenko KK, Yevtushenko VA, Kravchenko TV, Tokarenko II, Medvedchuk GY, Shevchenko MV. Seasonal, meteorological and geophysical factors influence on acute cardiovascular events. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Sep.16 [cited 2025Mar.7];17(4). Available from:



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