Integrated differentiated therapy of patients with relapses of rosacea taking into account heart rate variability indices and psychological status changes


  • A. V. Vasilenko



Rosacea, Relapses, Pathogenesis, Treatment, Nervous System


Aim. To develop modern methods of complex differential treatment, prognosis and prevention of development of relapses of rosacea.

Methods and results. We examined 50 patients with this dermatosis. Complex clinical data, state of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and changes in the psychological status were studied. Autonomic dysfunction was determined by the method of computer electrocardiography. Psychometric evaluation was conducted by the evaluation scales and questionnaires. The effectiveness of the developed method of treatment was evaluated by clinical manifestations and indicators research. It was found that the imbalance of the ANS and emotional disorders are more prominent in patients with relapses of rosacea. Proposed therapy plan leads to the more rapid regression of symptoms and persistent positive result.

Conclusions. Еarly diagnosis of changes in the ANS allows to predict the course of disease and to increase the effectiveness of treatment of relapses of rosacea.


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How to Cite

Vasilenko AV. Integrated differentiated therapy of patients with relapses of rosacea taking into account heart rate variability indices and psychological status changes. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Sep.16 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(4). Available from:



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