Yakton and mexicor influence on the indicators of glycolysis, glyconeogenesis and energoproduct function of mitochondria in the rats’ myocardium in the conditions of doxorubicin cardiomyopathy


  • E. A. Raketskaya
  • I. S. Chekman
  • N. A. Gorchakova




Yakton, Mexicor, Glycolysis, Glyconeogenesis, Heart Mitochondria


Doxorubicin – basic drug for the neoplastic diseases treatment, it’s main adverse effect is cardiotoxicity. The development of this complication is connected with the energy metabolism, prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis, disturbances and influence on the genetic apparatus.

The aim of the study – to state the succin acid’ derivatives – yakton and mexicor influence on indicators of glycolysis, glyconeogenesis and energoproduct function of mitochondria in the rats’ myocardium in the conditions of doxorubicin cardiomyopathy.

Results. In was found that myocardial pyruvate, malate, isocitrate, glycogen, glucose-6-phosphate level and malatdegidrogenase activity were decreased in rats with doxorubicin cardiomyopathy. In comparison lactate lactate level increased.

Conclusion. Succin acid’ derivatives – yakton and mexicor, administering with doxorubicin, protect  glycolysis, glyconeogenesis and energoproduct function of mitochondria in the rats’ myocardium.


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How to Cite

Raketskaya EA, Chekman IS, Gorchakova NA. Yakton and mexicor influence on the indicators of glycolysis, glyconeogenesis and energoproduct function of mitochondria in the rats’ myocardium in the conditions of doxorubicin cardiomyopathy. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Sep.16 [cited 2024Jul.23];17(4). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/50299



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