Age-related changes in the structural parameters of the heart and myocardial remodeling in chronic heart failure in women with overweight and obesity


  • P. P. Bidzilya Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



Heart Failure, Women, Obesity, Ventricular Remodeling, Age Factors


According to different authors, the representation of women in the structure of chronic heart failure (CHF) ranges from 50% to 60%, however, in clinical studies the number of participants in the female reaches only 20–30%.

Aim. To study age-related changes in the structural parameters of the heart and myocardial remodeling in CHF. 216 women of different age groups who have had CHF I–III functional class on the background of normal, overweight and abdominal obesity I–III degree were examined.

Methods and results. Structural parameters of the heart and the condition of cardiac remodeling were estimated with echocardiography. Found that in CHF in women with overweight and obesity with age increasing is a more significant dilatation of cardiac chambers, myocardial hypertrophy of the left ventricle and the calcination of valve apparatus. In most cases myocardial remodeling were presented by concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle.

Conclusion. This demonstrates negative impact of increasing age on the restructuring of the heart in conditions of CHF in women with overweight and obesity.


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How to Cite

Bidzilya PP. Age-related changes in the structural parameters of the heart and myocardial remodeling in chronic heart failure in women with overweight and obesity. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Nov.20 [cited 2025Mar.7];17(5). Available from:



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