Combined endoscopic approaches to the cardiac sphincter achalasia treatment


  • V. N. Klimenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • A. M. Kiosov Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • V. V. Izbitskiy Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • S. N. Gulevskiy Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, University Clinic,



Achalasia, Endoscopy, Dilatation, Botulinum Toxins, Disport


Aim. To assess combined endoscopic approaches to the cardiac sphincter achalasia treatment.

Results. There are preliminary results of treatment and methods of carrying out of combined endoscopic pneumocardiodilatation and injections of botulotoxin type A ‘Disport’ at achalasia cardia are described in the article. Aethio-pathogenetic aspects in the development of achalasia cardia, action of botulotoxin type A and balloon pneumocardiodilatation of the esophagus, were described. And modern roentgen-endoscopic classification of achalasia cardia was given. Prognostic estimation scale of possibility to implement further combined endoscopic or surgical treatment is defined and is being in subsequent working out.

Conclusion. Described clinical cases most brightly demonstrate variety of clinical achalasia cardia manifestations and also determine of the earlier display of surgical treatment.


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How to Cite

Klimenko VN, Kiosov AM, Izbitskiy VV, Gulevskiy SN. Combined endoscopic approaches to the cardiac sphincter achalasia treatment. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Dec.29 [cited 2025Jan.29];17(6). Available from:



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