Intravaginal hormonal contraception for women of reproductive age with excessive body mass


  • I. B. Gridina Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



Contraception, Intravaginal Hormonal Ring, Excessive Body Mass


There are a number of disadvantages inherent in all oral hormonal contraceptives: need for daily administration, fluctuations of hormone levels throughout the day, metabolism in the gastrointestinal tract, the effect of the first passage through the liver. All this became a prerequisite to the creation of prolonged oral hormonal methods of contraception, which would be devoid of these shortcomings. One of such method of hormonal contraception is intravaginal hormonal system.

The aim was to determine the safety and efficacy of its use in women of reproductive age with overweight. 43 women were included. State of lipid metabolism, changes of the hemostatic system, blood pressure and weight fluctuations in the past 6 months of using intravaginal hormonal contraceptive system were studied.

Results. It is established that hormonal intravaginal contraceptive ring gives minimal metabolic effects.

Conclusion. This suggests that this ring can be used successfully in patients with excessive body mass, because there is no effect of the ring on hemostasis, lipid metabolism and body weight.


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How to Cite

Gridina IB. Intravaginal hormonal contraception for women of reproductive age with excessive body mass. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2015Dec.29 [cited 2025Mar.9];17(6). Available from:



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