Technical aspects of modified totally extraperitoneal hernia repair for inguinal hernia


  • A. I. Bilai Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



Inguinal Hernia, Hernia Repair, Surgical Procedures


A number of technical shortcomings has been revealed recently despite huge inguinal hernias treatment progress according to numerous studies in modern herniology. The problem of surgical treatment results improving is considered to be a part of technical aspects issue in which videoendoscopic TEP-repair is extremely important.

Aim. Our goal was to improve surgical treatment results of inguinal hernia repairs by modifying totally extraperitoneal hernia repair.

Methods and results. 67 patients underwent modified totally extraperitoneal hernia repair. In every patient we used meticulous step by step dissection of the extraperitoneal space which substitutes dangerous and expensive balloon dilation and prevents from excessive extraperitoneal space sack formation and bleeding. Intraoperative anatomic landmarks and hernia defect measurements specify and individualise a mesh size and help to avoid any torsion and migration of the mesh and subsequent rough scar and chronic pain formation. We used inguinal bandage postoperatively for early mesh shift prevention.

Conclusion. No hernia recurrence, low complication rate and good life quality in postoperative period after modified TEP-repair proved its high efficacy and superiority.


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How to Cite

Bilai AI. Technical aspects of modified totally extraperitoneal hernia repair for inguinal hernia. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Mar.25 [cited 2025Mar.9];18(1). Available from:



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