Features of the autonomic nervous system in elderly patients with paratraumatic eczema with concomitant varicosis and arterial hypertension


  • Ahmad Mohammadamin Ahmad Baninaser Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • V. P. Fedotov Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • G. V. Nosonova Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,




Autonomic Nervous System, Cardiovascular System, Eczema, Elderly Age, Varicose Veins, Hypertension


Relevance. In elderly and senile age there are changes in the neuroendocrine regulation in the body.
Aim. In order to determine the status of cardiac activity autonomic regulation in elderly and old age patients with paratraumatic eczema 25 patients with paratraumatic eczema on the background of varicose symptom complex and hypertension aged 60-74 years, 25 patients with paratraumatic eczema on the background of varicose symptom. complex and hypertension aged 75-89 years, 15 patients with paratraumatic eczema on the background of varicose veins, but no concomitant hypertension and 15 patients aged 20-35 years were studied.
Methods and results. Significant decrease in HRV fluctuations has been established, especially in the high frequency HF, describing parasympathetic influence on the heart. Statistically significant difference (p<0.05) among patients with varicose eczema on the background of hypertension was established as compared with older patients (60-74 years) and patients without hypertension: 311.61±95 ms² (р<0.001), 544.7±131 ms² (р<0.01) and 662.9±127 ms² (р<0.01), respectively. Conclusion. These data indicate that the state of cardiac autonomic regulation of patients with paratraumatic eczema directly correlates with the age and the presence of comorbidity (chronic venous failure and hypertension).



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How to Cite

Ahmad Baninaser AM, Fedotov VP, Nosonova GV. Features of the autonomic nervous system in elderly patients with paratraumatic eczema with concomitant varicosis and arterial hypertension. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Mar.25 [cited 2025Mar.7];18(1). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/64072



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