Individually-personal features of patients with dissociative disorders


  • A. N. Stolyarenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



Dissociative Disorders, Accentuation of Personality Traits, Personality Disorders, Psychological Testis


Predisposed factors in the development of dissociative disorders remains a pressing question in the context of dissociative disorders establishing. Leading role in this aspect was given to the premorbid characteristics of patients.

Aim: to study individually-personal features of patients with dissociative disorders and to establish premorbid characteristics and predisposed factors of the disease.

Methods and results. 108 patients with dissociative disorders were examined on the basis of Public Health Institution «Regional clinical mental hospital» of the Zaporizhzhian regional council. The next methods of research were used: socio-demographic, medical history, follow-up, clinical-psychopathological, psychodiagnostic.

Results. It has been established that patients with dissociative disorders were characterized by: female gender; the presence of accentuations of character in 94.44% of cases; the ratio of "clean" and amalgam of character accentuation 3:2; the prevalence of hysteroid (56.48%), labile (28.70%) and epileptic (24.07%) radicals in the personality structure of patients; domination hysteroid (38.71%), epileptoid (24.19%) and labile (24.19%) types among the "pure" character accentuation; the dominance of anxiety-hysterical (32.50%), hystero-excitable (30.00%) and hystero-labile (30.00%) types of accentuations. Men significantly frequently had balanced personality and "pure" schizoid-type personality accentuation.

The study highlighted individually-personal features of patients with dissociative disorders, the prevailing premorbid characteristics of patients with dissociative disorders. The results of the study showed prevalence of the dissociative disorders in women.

Conclusion. Question about the role of established premorbid characteristics and predisposed factors of the disease on the compliance to therapy in patients with dissociative disorders stays still open.


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How to Cite

Stolyarenko AN. Individually-personal features of patients with dissociative disorders. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016May23 [cited 2024Oct.25];18(2). Available from:



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