Feasibility of the maxillary sinus ultrasonic study in patients with iatrogenic sinusitis


  • S. D. Varzhapetyan SE «Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of MOH Ukraine»,




Maxillary Sinusitis, Ultrasonography


Objective: to study the effectiveness of ultrasonic diagnostic imaging in the diagnostics of the iatrogenic maxillary sinusitis.

Materials and Methods. 68 (100.0%) patients of iatrogenic maxillary sinusitis undergone Sonographic Study in B-mode (ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus FCUSON X 500, ATSmod.539 (SIEMENS, USA)). For this purpose, we used linear sensors with a working surface of 37 mm long with 7.10 MHz frequency regime. The findings were compared with the results of clinical (rhinoscopy, sinus lavage through perforation, diagnostic puncture) and radiological (cone-beam computed tomography) examination.

The results were recorded according

The accuracy of the two-dimensional sonography in the detection of pathological formations (polyps, cysts, foreign bodies), iatrogenic and inflammatory origin in the sinus was detected as lower than in clinical methods. Sensitivity of the two-dimensional sonography was 8.3%, specificity – 95.4% overall accuracy – 64.7%. Informativity of the cone beam tomography in the detection of exudation, effusion and thickening of the sinus mucosa during sinus iatrogenic sinusitis was detected as lower than in sonography. The sensitivity of the two-dimensional sonography in the detection of exudation in the sinus with iatrogenic maxillary sinus was 96.8%, specificity – 91.7% overall accuracy – 94.1%. The sensitivity of the cone beam tomography to thicken (sclerotic changes) mucosa was 37.5%, specificity – 92.8%, accuracy – 52.9%.

Conclusions. Feasibility of the ultrasound sonography in patients with iatrogenic sinusitis is less than in computer tomography. Maxillary sinuses sonography in addition to CT will improve the quality of the examination in patients with iatrogenic maxillary sinusitis.


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How to Cite

Varzhapetyan SD. Feasibility of the maxillary sinus ultrasonic study in patients with iatrogenic sinusitis. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016May23 [cited 2025Mar.9];18(2). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/69238



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