Sensitivity of arterial baroreflex in the terms of body recovery after training load


  • О. V. Guzii Lviv State University of Physical Culture,
  • A. P. Romanchuk Lviv State University of Physical Culture,



baroreflex sensitivity, training load


The Aim of the work is to determine the changes in baroreflex sensitivity of highly qualified athletes in the recovery period after the training load.

Materials and methods. In order to determine the baroreflex sensitivity we have used the spiroarteriocardiorythmography (SACR) that in the regimen of momentary registration can detect indices of heart rate, systolic arterial pressure and diastolic arterial pressure at each heartbeat and also the indices of spontaneous breathing. We eexamined and analyzed the results of 217 apparently healthy males aged 21,3 ± 2,3 years who formed the comparison group (СG ) and 28 qualified water polo male athletes aged 20,8 ± 3,2 years ( EG ). We conducted research before training, in the first 5 minutes after training and the next morning after training within the period of annual training cycle of preparing for competition.

Results: The analysis of changes in BRS measurement of highly qualified athletes that are under the influence of the training load has shown that BRSLF and BRSHF of athletes in the experimental group before training do not differ from BRSLF and BRSHF of adults in the comparison group at all variants of registration. The training load causes significant changes in the central hemodynamics. There is also significant decrease in BRSLF and BRSHF measurements in random breathing as well as in controlled breathing 6 min-1 (Р< 0,01).The next morning, after training they are restored to their original values.


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How to Cite

Guzii ОV, Romanchuk AP. Sensitivity of arterial baroreflex in the terms of body recovery after training load. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Sep.6 [cited 2025Mar.9];18(3). Available from:



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