Clinical peculiarities of antibiotic associated bowels impairment and its significance in irritable bowel syndrome appearance


  • І. O. Pasichna
  • V. I. Vdovіchenko



Bowel, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Antibiotics, Therapy


Aim: the main objective of this study was to investigate bowels impairment due to treatment with antibiotics, its incidence and clinical peculiarities; to evaluate its role in appearance of in irritable bowel syndrome.

Material and Methods. We studied 110 patients (33 males and 77 females), age range 16-83 years, who received treatment with antibiotic. We evaluated the function of the intestine before treatment with antibiotic, then in 1 week, 3 months after treatment finish (1, 2, 3, 4 visits respectively). Control group included 20 healthy persons, who haven't had antibiotics administered during recent two years.

Results. We revealed that the signs of bowel function impairment took place at the first visit in 18.2% of patients, at the second visit – in 60.0% of patients, at the third visit – in 45.5% of patients and at the fourth visit – in 41.1% of patients. At the second, third and fourth visits the signs of bowels function impairment were observed reliably more often then at the first visit (before antibiotic administration), p<0.001). At the second visit the signs bowels function disorders were the most prominent: abdominal pain – in 44.5%, distention – in 46.4%, diarrhea – in 29.1%, constipation – in 18.2%, presence of both (diarrhea and periodically constipation) manifestations – in 2.7%; and extraintestinal manifestations (depression. depressed mood, sorrow, apathy, decreased stamina, sleep disturbances – in 29.1% of patients. Clinical manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome occured in 6 months of observation in 32.2% of patients.

Conclusions. The signs of bowel function impairment were observed in 60.0% of patients after finishing treatment with antibiotic. This incidence is much higher than in control group (р<0.001). Bowel disorders mostly manifested as the changes in quantity and consistency of feaces, pain, abdominal distention and extraintestinal manifestations. In 32.2% of patients clinical manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome developed in 6 months of observation. This incidence is reliably higher than before treatment (10.9% of patients) and compared with control group (5.0% of patients), of observation р<0.01.


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How to Cite

Pasichna ІO, Vdovіchenko VI. Clinical peculiarities of antibiotic associated bowels impairment and its significance in irritable bowel syndrome appearance. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Sep.6 [cited 2025Mar.7];18(3). Available from:



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