Bioelectrical activity of interneyron pools of spinal cord an early stage of experimental compressive neuropathy and prednisolone effects


  • А. G. Rodynskiy Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine,
  • І. A. Gutnik Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine,
  • A. N. Gninenko Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine,
  • К. V. Pisarevskaya Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine,



Interneurons, Spinal Cord, Compression Neuropathy, Hyperreflexia, Prednisolone


In experiments on white rats examined the activityof interneyron pools of spinal cord (SC) in the early stages (from the 10th day) of compression neuropathy (CN) of the sciatic nerve.

Aim. To study the effect of prednisolone on the activity of the spinal cord interneuron pools in the early stages (up to the 10th day) of compression neuropathy of the sciatic nerve.

Materials and methods. The animals were divided into two groups: «intact animal» (n = 10) and «animals with simulated state» (n = 30). Every animal in the group «simulated state» has daily intraperitoneal injectson of Prednisolon solution at a dose of 5 mg / kg.

In our investigation we used the method of recording of potential dorsal surface (PDS) of the SC. PDS as integral indicators characterizing the activity of interneurons of SC, which occurs in response to stimulation of afferent fibers.

We investigated the following parameters of PDS: threshold, chronaxi, duration of the latent period , the duration of afferents peak, duration N1, N2, N3 components and P-waves, investigated a total duration of PDS and amplitude of afferents peak and N1, N2, N3 components and P-waves respectively.

Results. The experimental introduction on the background CN prednisolone causes changes in the activity of neurons posterior horns of the SC, which manifests itself in increasing the threshold occurrence of PDS. Changes of chronaxi of PDS - extension to 110,0 ± 10,50 ms (n = 6, p <0.01), showed significant changes biophysical characteristics of Na+ -channels, and require more detailed study.

Conclusions. Perhaps these changes suggest that there is a strengthening inhibitory effect on afferent nerve fibers or decrease the expression of ion channels are results of catabolic action of prednisolone.


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How to Cite

Rodynskiy АG, Gutnik ІA, Gninenko AN, Pisarevskaya КV. Bioelectrical activity of interneyron pools of spinal cord an early stage of experimental compressive neuropathy and prednisolone effects. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Sep.6 [cited 2025Mar.9];18(3). Available from:



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