Evaluation of motor disorders in children who were born prematurely, according to the standard electroencephalography


  • О. O. Riga Kharkiv National Medial University,
  • І. V. Gordiienko Kharkiv Regional Specialized Orphanage №1,




Preterm Infants, Early Age, Electroencephalography, Disability


Aim. To determine the diagnostic value of the standard EEG patterns in disorders of motor development of born prematurely young children using logistic regression analysis.

Materials and methods. An observational cohort study of 93 children development aged from birth to 36 months was carried out. All children were divided into groups - disabled children with organic lesions of the central nervous system (35.4 %), disabled children without organic lesions of the central nervous system (34.4 %), and healthy children (30.1%). Electroencephalography was performed by a standard method of background activity assessment, maturity, diffuse or local changes of brain bioelectrical activity, paroxysmal activity and the power spectrum in the range of delta, theta, alpha, beta 1 and beta 2. The study excluded the children with convulsions and anticonvulsant therapy. The corrected children age was used.

Results. Disability in young children, who were born prematurely, was caused by the development of cerebral palsy. In 16.9 % of children other than motor development disorders pathology of vision, hearing and cognitive development delay was diagnosed. There were differences of delta- rhythm and alpha-rhythm in children who developed a disability at the corrected age 6–12 months. Using logistic regression analysis the odds ratio for disability in young children at the corrected age 6–12 months were determined: the part of the delta- rhythm over 28 %; low amplitude, diffuse changes; local slowdown on standard EEG.

Conclusion. The authors believe that the proposed diagnostic model using noninvasive method - standard electroencephalography – helps to develop optimal steps in examining of young children and to predict motor disturbances development.


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How to Cite

Riga ОO, Gordiienko ІV. Evaluation of motor disorders in children who were born prematurely, according to the standard electroencephalography. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Oct.13 [cited 2025Mar.13];18(4). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/79696



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