State of free-radical processes and antioxidant defence of patients with psoriasis and concomitant essential hypertension


  • V. A. Visir Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • G. I. Makurina Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,



Oxidative Stress, Antioxidant Defence, Psoriasis, Hypertension


Objective: to study the status of free-radical processes and antioxidant protection parameters in patients with psoriasis and concomitant essential hypertension.

Materials and methods. Study of oxidative status was performed in 95 patients who were divided into 3 groups: I group – psoriasis and hypertension – 25 people; II group – 30 patients with psoriasis only and group III – 40 patients with hypertension only. To assess the severity of skin lesions in psoriasis the index Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) were used. Protein oxidative destruction markers – aldehydephenilhydrazones and ketophenylhydrazones – were determined under method of B. Halliwell.

Results. Processes of carbonyl stress in the surveyed patients were studied taking into account the level of thiol-disulfide balance. Both spontaneous and stimulated aldehyde phenylhydrazone were the lowest in patients with essential hypertension, in patients with psoriasis and essential hypertension the studied indicators were higher by 75.35 % and 22.03 % (p<0.05) respectively, in patients with psoriasis – by 123.94 % and 47.55 % (p<0.05), respectively, than in case of hypertension. Increase of spontaneous and stimulated ketone phenylhydrazone has also been observed in the main group. In case of psoriasis without essential hypertension the considered indicators exceed the respective values of persons with essential hypertension by 123 % and 64.16 % (p<0.05), respectively, with the presence of essential hypertension – the difference with essential hypertension was only 67.83 % and 28.32 % (p<0.05), respectively. So, patients with psoriasis and essential hypertension had more obvious changes of indicators stipulating the progressive increase of carbonyl stress processes.

Conclusions. Thus, patients with combined pathology – psoriasis and essential hypertension – have development of oxidative and carbonyl stresses which significantly shift thiol-disulfide balance toward oxidized thiols.

Obtained results showed the activation of oxidative stress in case of the studied comorbid pathology and also complex and ambiguous system of regulation of pro- and antioxidant balance which are presented by increase of free-radical oxidation activity and decrease of physiological antioxidant defence.


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How to Cite

Visir VA, Makurina GI. State of free-radical processes and antioxidant defence of patients with psoriasis and concomitant essential hypertension. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Oct.13 [cited 2025Mar.7];18(4). Available from:



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