Ureteric stent in renal transplantation: to be or not to be?


  • S. R. Vildanov Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Ministry of Health Protection in Ukraine,
  • A. O. Nykonenko 2Zaporizhzhia State Medical Universitу,
  • I. V. Rusanov Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Ministry of Health Protection in Ukraine,
  • O. S. Nykonenko Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Ministry of Health Protection in Ukraine,




Kidney Transplantation, Allografts, Urinary Fistula, Stents


Urological complications after kidney transplantation is still now one of the main reasons of worsening operation results. Most surgeons pay a lot of attention to the urinary fistulae. At verifiable urinary fistulae the next tactics significantly depends on the presence of urinary stent.

Subject of the work: to study the effectiveness of implantation as for double J-stents at kidney transplantation for prophylaxis of urinary fistulae.

Materials and methods. The analyzed results of kidney transplantation among 66 patients from 2012 to 2016. There were 37 (56.1 %) men, the average age of patients was 33.4±12.4 years. All the patients on early after surgical period were done the monitoring of clinic-biological indexes, ultrasonic examination with scanning of renal allograft. As for the aim of the work all the patients were divided into two groups:

The main group included 35 (53 %) recipients with kidney allografts, everyone of them was set uretero-bladder anastomosis on the double J-stent during the period from 11.2013 to 06.2016. The average age of patients was 32.6±9.2 years, there were 17 (48.6 %) men, 18 women (51.4 %).

Controlling group involved 31 (47 %) patients. During the period from 01.2012 to 10.2013 at kidney transplantation urinary stents were not used among the patients. The average age of recipients was 34.3±15.3 years, there were 20 (64.5 %) men, 11 women (35.5 %).

Results. According to the analysis of our clinic material the implantation of J-stent at kidney transplantation for prophylaxis of urinary fistulae is reliably (p<0.05) effective. In our research there is no connection (p>0.05) with the infection of urinary tracks with  the presence of urinary stent.

Conclusions. Implantation of J-stent is effective and safe method of surgical prophylaxis of urinary fistulae and it can be routinely applied at kidney transplantation.



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How to Cite

Vildanov SR, Nykonenko AO, Rusanov IV, Nykonenko OS. Ureteric stent in renal transplantation: to be or not to be?. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Nov.10 [cited 2025Mar.7];18(5). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/82610



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