Application of lectinhistochemistry to study the formation and reactivity of the marginal transitional zone of the joint capsule


  • A. V. Fedotchenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukrainе,
  • M. A. Voloshyn Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukrainе,



Joint Capsule, Marginal Transitional Zone, Lectins


Aim. To analyze the formation and reactivity of the intermediate part (marginal tranzitional zone) of joint capsule using lectinhistochemistry.

Methods and results. Hip joint of laboratory rats was as an object for present investigation. Method of intrafoetal antigen injection has been taken as а pattern in order to study the reactivity of above-mentioned zone. Fragments of hip joints were fixed in picroformol, decalcinated and dehydrated. We used a standard set of lectins, conjugated with horseradish peroxidase for lectinhistochemistry. In the intermediate part, we distinguished regio superficialis and regio profunda. The intensity of expression for lectin receptors in regio superficialis was always higher than in the parietal part of the joint capsule. The intermediate part is distinguishable from the surrounding tissues as early as on the 1st day, meanwhile regio superficialis and regio profunda are discernible from each other only on the 7th day. The intermediate part formation is associated with a decrease in the expression of lectin receptors in regio superficialis and an increase in the content of galactose-, mannose- and glycoconjugates in regio profunda occurring from the 14th day. Changes are more pronounced in regio profunda in comparison with regio superficialis and consist in their premature development, which is accompanied by early expression of a large number of galactoseconjugates in regio profunda on the 7th day, with a subsequent decrease in galactose – and mannose saturation in it and appearance of significant L-fucose residues amount.

Conclusions. Antigenic effect leads to tension in immuno-biological relationship between articular cartilage and joint capsule and following reactive processes affecting lectin receptors glycosylation of intermediate part. Premature glycosylation of regio profunda is aimed on the early formation of the intermediate part of joint capsule having the lectin-mediated barrier, preventing excessive invasion of the joint capsule into the articular cartilage.


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How to Cite

Fedotchenko AV, Voloshyn MA. Application of lectinhistochemistry to study the formation and reactivity of the marginal transitional zone of the joint capsule. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Nov.10 [cited 2025Feb.23];18(5). Available from:



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