Effectiveness of the photodynamic therapy with photosensitizer for treatment of basal cell skin cancer located on the head


  • D. I. Kebalo CRDC COMREC,
  • W. I. Yermolova CRDC COMREC,
  • N. P. Miroshnykova CRDC COMREC,
  • S. M. Pashchenko Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine,
  • O. D. Zvantseva Zaporizhzhia Regional Clinical Oncology Hospital,
  • N. N. Voloshyna Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Health of Ukraine,
  • D. Ye. Lashtabega CRDC COMREC,




Basal Cells Skin Cancer, Photosensitizer, Fotodytazyn


Increase of the morbidity of basal skin cancer in the overall incidence of malignant neoplasms has being registered recently. In this regard the problem of effective treatment of basal skin cancer and searching of organ preserving treatments becomes more urgent. The abilities of modern oncology in the treatment of skin cancers are significantly expanded by photodynamic therapy. Photodynamic therapy is a fundamentally new method of treatment of malignant tumors based on the photodynamic damaging of tumor cells in the photochemical reaction.

Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of treatment of basal skin cancers by photodynamic therapy using an application of the photosensitizer (PS) 1% gel fotodytazyn in lesions of facial skin, the scalp, nose and ears.

Materials and methods. 22 patients with the same morphological structure of basal cell skin cancers T1N0M0 were included into the study. The treatment had three phases. During the first phase the application by 1% fotoditazin gel was applied on the surface of tumor. During the second phase the accumulation of the photosensitizer have been identified in the tumor cells. During the third stage the tumor has been subjected to irradiation using the apparatus of "Lika surgeon M" with a wavelength of 662 N / m. In a case if tumors fraction has remained, the treatment was repeated.

Results. Control was conducted in two months after the procedure and follow up period was two years after the procedure. The complete reabsorption of tumors was established in 19 (86.3%), partial reabsorption in 3 (14.3%).

Conclusions. The method of photodynamic therapy with the photosensitizer is effective and organ preserving. It has no toxicity and makes possible to achieve a good cosmetic effect. 


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How to Cite

Kebalo DI, Yermolova WI, Miroshnykova NP, Pashchenko SM, Zvantseva OD, Voloshyna NN, Lashtabega DY. Effectiveness of the photodynamic therapy with photosensitizer for treatment of basal cell skin cancer located on the head. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2016Nov.10 [cited 2024Oct.25];18(5). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/82692



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