Content of cobalt in biological medias of full-term newborns as predictor of perinatal hypoxic damage of central nervous system


  • І. V. Tarasova Sumy State University,
  • T. M. Klimenko Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education,
  • S. M. Kasyan Sumy State University,
  • O. K. Romaniuk Sumy State University,
  • V. O. Petrashenko Sumy State University,
  • O. O. Pylypets Sumy State University,



cobalt, mother-placenta-fetus system, full-term newborn, hypoxia, predictor


The aim of the study: to determine cobalt content in biological media of newborns with hypoxic-ischemic lesions of central nervous system (CNS ) and to study its properties as predictor in formation of hypoxia outcomes, to investigate cobalt ensuring the in mother-placenta-fetus system.

Materials and methods. Co content was determined in serum and erythrocytes of 30 pregnant women and their 30 newborns with hypoxic-ischemic damage of CNS. The content of trace elements in biomaterials of newborns and their mothers was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry on a spectrophotometer C-115M1, manufacturing NGO "Selmi" (Ukraine). We used methods of variation statistics suitable for biomedical research and method Wald-Genkin to determine the properties as prediktor of cobalt.

Results. For women which born babies with hypoxia was typical significant serum-erythrocytic imbalance ofCo.In case of hypoxia we determined decreasing of barrier function (96.2%) and depositing function of Co (79.3%), indicating a dysfunction of placenta in case of hypoxia. Content of Co in serum of newborns with hypoxic damage of CNS Co was significantly (p <0.05) lower and in erythrocytes on 40% higher compared to healthy newborns. Low content of Co in urine of infants with hypoxic CNS damage shows its low kidneys elimination during neonatal period. Properties of cobalt as predyktor was found in serum ≥3.01 mmol / L, erythrocyte ≥0,61 mcg / mg ashes and urine ≤0.40 mmol / L, respectively. Prognostic significance (index and informative prognostic factor) was high.

Conclusions. Significant serum-erythrocytic imbalance of Co was typical for women who born babies with hypoxia. Barrier function and depositing function of Co were determined in hypoxia. This indicated dysfunction of placenta under conditions of hypoxia. Serum cobalt level, erythrocytes and urine had typically high predictor properties: Ī=4.71; PC= + 13.9; Ī=6.24; PC= +9.0 and Ī=5.08; PC= + 2.0.


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How to Cite

Tarasova ІV, Klimenko TM, Kasyan SM, Romaniuk OK, Petrashenko VO, Pylypets OO. Content of cobalt in biological medias of full-term newborns as predictor of perinatal hypoxic damage of central nervous system. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Feb.1 [cited 2025Feb.23];19(1). Available from:



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