Theoretical study about L-arginine complexes formation with thiotriazolin


  • L. I. Kucherenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University SPA "Farmatron",
  • O. V. Hromyleva Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,
  • I. A. Mazur Zaporizhzhia State Medical University SPA "Farmatron",
  • S. V. Shishkina SPA "Farmatron",



L-arginine, thiotriazolin, quantum-chemical calculations, molecular complexes


Brain vascular diseases are one of the leading causes of morbidity, mortality and disability of population in the industrialized countries of the world. An important element of this problem’s solution is the creation of new highly effective and safe drugs, which would lead to mortality reduction, to increase in life expectancy and quality of life. Therefore it is interesting to create a new combined drug based on L-arginine and thiotriazolin.

Purpose of the study: to consider the possible structure and energy characteristics of complexes formed by L-arginine, 3-methyl-1,2,4-triazolyl-5-thioacetate (MTTA) and morpholine.

Calculation method. The initial approximation to the complex geometry was obtained using molecular docking with the help of AutoDock Vina program. The obtained ternary complexes were pre-optimized by semi-empirical PM7 method with modeling the impact of the environment by COSMO method. The calculations were carried out using MOPAC2012 program. Then they were optimized by B97-D3/SVP + COSMO (Water) dispersion-corrected DFT-D with geometrical spreading correction on insufficiency of gCP basis set. A more accurate calculation of the solvation energy was conducted by SMD. The calculations by density functional method were carried out using the ORCA 3.0.3 software. Energy complex formation in solution was calculated as the difference of the Gibbs free energy of the solvated complex and its individual components.

Results.  Quantum chemical calculations show, that thiotriazolin and L-arginine are able to form ternary complexes, where molecules are linked by multiple hydrogen bonds. The calculation data suggest, that studied complexes are thermodynamically unstable in solution. The energies of them are positive, but rather low despite charge gain of a number of intermolecular hydrogen bonds.

Finding. Based on the results of the conducted quantum-chemical study of a three components system (MTTA, morpholine, and L-arginine) it is possible to show the possibility to form ternary complexes with low stability in infinite dilute solutions. It should be noted that two negative charges are always localized in formed complexes on the deprotonated carboxyl groups. The positive charges are located either on the guanidine moiety and the a-amino group of L-arginine, or on the guanidine moiety of L-arginine and protonated molecule of morpholine. It can be expected that the strengthening of intermolecular interactions in the real solutions may result in increased stability of the complexes.


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How to Cite

Kucherenko LI, Hromyleva OV, Mazur IA, Shishkina SV. Theoretical study about L-arginine complexes formation with thiotriazolin. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Feb.1 [cited 2025Feb.23];19(1). Available from:



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