Pathophysiology of hepatitis С: case–control study of cell reactivity and adaptation tension level in patients with chronic HCV-infection at Bukovyna (South-Western Ukraine region)


  • A.S. Sydorchuk Bukovinian State Medical University,
  • V. D. Moskaliuk Bukovinian State Medical University,
  • I. V. Balaniuk Bukovinian State Medical University,
  • L. I. Sydorchuk Bukovinian State Medical University,



hepatitis C, adaptive stress, cell reactivity, chronic course, immune response, Bukovyna


Introduction: Hepatitis C is a disease with a significant global impact. It had estimated that there are 2–5 million HCV-positive persons in Europe. It is very difficult to predict the individual course of hepatitis C due to the many factors influencing the disease progression. Сell reactivity and level of adaptive tension had been considered as additional parameters for the evaluation of individual immune response and may assist to predict an intensity of autoimmune liver inflammation caused by HCV.

Research purpose: This article discusses about investigation of cell reactivity and level of adaptation tension for better estimation of pathophysiology of chronic hepatitis C especially in prediction of it clinical course.

Materials and methods. The article presents the results of determination of adaptation tension level and cell reactivity in 31 infected persons hospitalized in Hepatology Center of Chernivtsi Municipal Clinical Hospital in 2015. Parameters of immunocompetent cells and immune-hematologic indexes were calculated.

Results. It had been established that in patients with chronic hepatitis С level of adaptation decreased on 12.20 %. Abnormalities of adaptation processes were determined in 70.97 % of enrolled patients : in 22.58 % of cases – adaptation level was determined in the zone of stress reaction, and in 48.39 % in the zone of reaction on training. Increase of intoxication index on 33.33 % was determined; proper endogenic intoxication triggered in chronic phase a certain hepatic cells cytolysis caused by viral reproduction with subsequent immune system reaction. Cellular reactivity of organism of patients with chronic hepatitis С decreased on 32.03 %, that was confirmed by elevation on 81.25 % of nuclear index of endotoxicosis level.

Conclusions. Cell reactivity index in chronic hepatitis C patients decreased on 32.03 %, that leads to elevation of haematologic intoxication index on 32.25 %. This  confirmed that intoxication had been going over interstitial space and manifested up to toxicosis in circulatory blood. Nevertheless, increased nuclear index on 81.25 % certified the presence of middle level of endotoxicosis. Parenchymal damage of cell membranes could lead to significant metabolic disorders, which plays a major role of liver fibrosis formation. It proved the important meaning of adaptive index in each individual patient to consider it for prediction of clinical course. 


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How to Cite

Sydorchuk A, Moskaliuk VD, Balaniuk IV, Sydorchuk LI. Pathophysiology of hepatitis С: case–control study of cell reactivity and adaptation tension level in patients with chronic HCV-infection at Bukovyna (South-Western Ukraine region). Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Mar.14 [cited 2025Feb.22];19(2). Available from:



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