Obstetrical and perinatal pathology in women with risk of preterm labor


  • A. A. Shevchenko Zaporizhzhia State Medical University,




premature birth, risk of preterm birth, maternal-fetal relations


Spontaneous preterm births occurring in 5–13 % of pregnancies are the major cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, but their frequency has not changed significantly over the past 10 years.

Aim. To make the analysis of the clinical features of pregnancy, childbirth, state of the newborn and fetus in pregnant women with premature birth risk in 22–34 weeks’ gestation and feto-placental complex functional state in pregnant women of this cohort.

Materials and Methods. The analysis of the clinical, laboratory and functional examination results of 121 women has been done. Women were divided into 3 groups: the main group – 43 patients with singleton pregnancy and risk of premature delivery at term 22–34 weeks who received prevention of RDS (dexamethasone 6 mg i. m. № 4 or betaspan 12 mg i. m. № 2), progestogen therapy (utrozhestan 200 mg 1 time a day vaginally) and dalmaksin 200 mg 1 time a day rectally; comparison group – 42 patients also with singleton pregnancy and risk of premature delivery at term 22–34 weeks of gestation who were treated according to the algorithm of the Ukrainian National Guideline № 624 of 03.11.2008; the control group consisted of 36 women with singleton normal pregnancy and delivery which ended with the birth of live full-term newborn.

Results. The average age of the examined patients was 27.08 ± 0.79 years. The average assessment of fetuses STV analysis at 22–34 weeks’ gestation with clinical signs of premature birth risk with the main group was – 11.5 ± 0.98 ms, with the comparison group – 9.8 ± 0.97 ms. No significant differences in uterine-placental-fetal circulation of analyzed groups pregnant women were noted. The average gestational age of the main group newborns was 37.9 ± 2.38 weeks and it was higher than in the comparison group (36.9 ± 4.2 weeks). 23.81 % of comparison group pregnancies ended with a preterm birth, which was significantly higher than in the main group (p < 0.05), where this indicator was 13.95 %. In the structure of perinatal morbidity the leading were: hypoxic-ischemic injury of the CNS with suppression syndrome, neonatal jaundice, respiratory distress syndrome type I, intraventricular hemorrhages, and retinopathy of prematurity.

Conclusions. Using for premature birth risk treatment utrozhestan 200 mg 1 time a day vaginally, dalmaksin 200 mg 1 time a day rectally reduces the risk of preterm birth rate and improves physiological condition of pregnancy and fetus. The effectiveness of the premature birth risk treatment of the main group patients shows not only the improvement of this complication clinical symptoms and satisfactory functional state of feto-placental complex, but also reduction the percentage of early preterm birth, and as a consequence, decrease in severe perinatal morbidity.


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How to Cite

Shevchenko AA. Obstetrical and perinatal pathology in women with risk of preterm labor. Zaporozhye Medical Journal [Internet]. 2017Mar.14 [cited 2025Feb.22];19(2). Available from: http://zmj.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/95690



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